Sunday, June 18, 2006


I went to Sydney for the weekend. I wasn't actually planning on going there at all, but Josh and Kelsey, two other HHMI students, wanted to go. Tickets were cheap, so I went. And I'm very glad I did.

We got up Saturday at 2:45AM to make our way to the airport (there's a reason the ticket's were so cheap). On the bright side, we arrived at our hostel at 8AM, so we had all day to wander about. Of course we immediately headed for the harbor and the opera. I was amazed how beautiful it was (except if I got within 50 feet or so, then you can see the individual tiles, and, as one of the people in the lab says, it looks like a bathroom wall). The time of day makes it seem to change, and I'm sure the impressionists would have a blast painting it.

We were trying to spend as little money as possible, so we opted out of the bridge climb, opera tour, and similar tourist traps and instead walked around the many parks and historic neighborhoods. We were really tired, so we bought some kangaroo steaks, kanga bangas (kangaroo hot dogs), and bread and grilled out on the hostel terrace. Then we had a well-earned rest.

Sunday, we bought a day pass for the public transport and took a ferry to Manly Beach (the name kept the jokes going for hours) where we watched surfers do their thing. The way back was filled with large waves that caused some people to scream as the ferry rose and fell with massive plumes of water gushing out on all sides. We then decided it was important to try the local gelatto. And the grapefruit-sized mound of creamy heaven was well worth the sticky hands/face/clothes. In the evening, we went to Bondi Beach, the most famous surfing beach there. Even though we got there just after sunset, the gorgeous bay and cliffs with amazing little apartments and houses kept us with our mouths gaping with awe and jealousy.

After that, it was time for an evening of soccer. Aussies v Brazil. Take a random guess who won. But the environment was entertaining nevertheless. We hung out at several pubs across the city and a large outdoor TV. Once that was over, we took a taxi to the airport, and I went straight to my lab to set up a drug trial. Thank you coffee! I'll sleep well tonight.

Some photos from the trip are up at:
They are a little out of order, and I apologize for the many photos of the opera house.

1 comment:

PR said...

I watched the soccer match here and they kept showing the Sydney Opera house where the Aussies were watching!
Sounds like you are having a great time. Do they really grill Kangaroos?
What is the atmosphere like in the labs?