Monday, July 28, 2008
To make up for lost blogging
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Checking in
Friday, July 25, 2008
I guess winter has advantages...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thoughts of home
Monday was nice. It was Umi No Hi, which roughly translates to Sea Day. From what i've been told, the previous emperor was a marine biologist in his sparetime, so he pushed for the creation of a national holiday honoring the sea. Hey, whatever gets me a day off. I went to a beach in Kobe with a fellow American in my group. Neither of us had been there before so we got lost a couple times along the way, so we had a bit of an adventure. The beach was nice, although insanely crowded. I grew up in Florida, and the beaches i went to were relatively sparsely populated, so it was a bit of a shock to get off the tram and see the entire shoreline crowded with people. The water was nice, though i had a bit of a run-in (literally) with a jellyfish. I was swimming back to the shore and my hand bumped right into it's smooth bell, so i didn't get stung but it was still startling.
I'm starting to get a little homesick. It's odd for me because i've been abroad for long periods of time before, but i never got homesick then. I'm a little PO-ed because i've been looking forward to seeing The Dark Knight for over a year now, but it doesn't come out in Japan until August 9th, and i return on August 13th. I'm just gonna wait till i get home to see it. My brother(who also highly anticapited the movie and has already seen it) is picking me up from my return and had considered taking me straight from the airport to the movie theater. Don't know i'll be up for that, but i can't wait to see it.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Temples Galore

Well, I

On monday, the AC was broken in my office and the office next to mine, as with the heat index at 95 degrees F, we decided to take the day of and go swimming at a nearby lake, known as Biwa-ko, which was considerably more fun than work. This week also so the Gion Matsuri, one of the most famous festivals in Japan. It originates form the repurifaction of the Yasaka Shrine, but as with many things in Japanese culture it has become a secular festival as well, with lots of kiosks, street vendors, parades, and performances.

Monday, July 14, 2008
Villas, Castles, and Prisons, Oh My!
On Sunday I got up bright and early to go to Tivoli again to see the ruins of Villa Adriana, which was a retreat for Emperor Hadrian. I met this Korean girl on the bus named He Seoun and we ended up walking around together. The bus dropped us off at this "stop" and we ended up walking another 45 minutes along questionable road signs at brisk pace before arriving at the entrance. However the villa was truly beautiful and I'm so glad I saw it, with lots of ponds, baths, temples, etc. However, the most beautiful pieces are in museums all over the world now. The design of the villa are supposedly to remind the Emperor of his favorite places in the world.
Mosaic on the floor of one of the rooms that housed the Emperor's guard. There are 3 niches for beds and a pretty floor in the middle. Each room's design was unique.
The "Maritime Theater" but actually a round artificial island with the Hadrian's private study. In antiquity there were 2 drawbridges that were let down if he wanted to enter. He is said to have also swam in the canal surround the island. Now there are little fish.
The Canopus, named after an Egyptian city of the same name. There is a long reflecting pool with some remaining fountains
The four figures in the center are copies of the copies Hadrian made of the karyatids on the Erecthion in Athens.
View of Tivoli, which sits on top of a mountain. Beyond are the other mountains: the Monti Tiburtini.
When I returned that evening, a friend and I climbed Gianicolo Hill in Rome. This hill is actually very tall but not considered one of the "Seven Hills" because it is on the other side of the river and way outside of the ancient city. The monuments on the hill were constructed about 150 years ago, after the Reunification of Italy by Garibaldi and his "1000 Heroes," or his Redshirt army Each of these heroes has a bust on Gianicolo Hill, but Garibaldi gets an enormous statue (that I could not capture in the night light) and his wife Anita gets a smaller one a short distance away.
View of Rome from a monument of a lighthouse on Gianicolo, see Piazza Venezia in the center. The cross-shaped building in the foreground is actually a very famous prison. Supposedly from this location, the acoustics are very good so the wives of prisoners (before phones were invented...?) would come to this point and declare their undying love for their husbands.
We then went to the Castel Sant'Angelo, which is the enormous fortress on the Tiber River. It used to be the Mausoleum of Hadrian, but most of it was torn down to build the fortress that also has a fortified corridor to the Vatican to protect the Pope. Inside we got a special ticket to see the the prisons. They were actually nice prison chambers, rather large in size. I think they showed us the best prisons and omitted any torture devices. The Castel is now a national museum, but it has actually been turned into a tourist hotspot. With our ticket, we could eat at the restaurant or get food at the bar and sit on the tables overlooking the Tiber or with a view of St. Peter's. There were also shows of stand-up comics and four-string quartets and the platform to one of the four towers had been turned into a tango dance floor.
A relic catapult? There was a pile of projectiles to the right. See the comedian in the background.
View of the Tiber River from the top of the Castel.
St. Peter's at night.
One of the many fashion exhibitions present in the Castel.
At midnight, we were surprised by the sounds of blasting, so we swiftly climbed to the topmost terrace to see the fireworks display. It was a great way to end the night.
And in lab....I've gotten to perform even more surgeries so I'm actually getting pretty good at it. It still takes me a long time though, because of what others in the lab have dubbed my "gentle touch." People are basically spending these days analyzing the data and such, and Dr. Badiani has gone on a vacation in Brazil. We just got another batch of rats, which I think will be getting some intracranial lesions and then have their self-administration observed. Unfortunately, I will only be here for the handling of the mice, and I won't get to see the surgeries.
I am so sad to have only about a week left in Rome. There is still sooooooooo much to see. Maybe I will get some more in this week before I go.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tim Soo
One Blog to Rule them All
After my weekend in Baden-Baden, I went to visit my friend and former German TA at Emory German Studies department, Benjamin Becker in Koeln, or as we know it in English, Cologne. Okay, Okay, Italian churches look nice and fancy and I’ve been to Notre Dame, but the church in Cologne is the titanic of churches. I can’t even come up with words to describe adequately how huge it is. It easily towers anything in the city.
I met up with Ben and we toured the city and also met his Uni-friends from Koeln/Cologne. We watched the Netherlands/Russia game at the D4 (German TV station) and afterwards we got to be in the live audience of the German post-game show “Nach getreten”, which is more of a comedy-spin show for the European championships. I’ll try to find a clip sometime.
We also saw the Gestapo museum. Apparently the Gestapo had an office in Koeln, as they did in many places, but this one also functioned as a small prison. I would like to describe the Gestapo with much more graphic language but I must control such impulses. I also had the opportunity to taste some of the local Cologne beer, which is surprisingly taken in smaller quantities when compared to the Bavarian cousin. The following photo is of me with Benjamin at his office in Koeln before we departed. When he’s not working in the German department in the US, he’s working in the English Department at Koeln/Cologne.
On the week of the 4th, I had the RISE/DAAD conference in Heidelberg, which started on a Wednesday. Therefore I decided to take off the week days leading up to the conference to make a long weekend starting on July 27th. And in that time, I visited Lisbon and Madrid.
I was coincidentally in Madrid the same time as the European Football Championship game. I stayed in La Plaza Colon, which was the main viewing area for the game. They had setup a small open air studio that hosted live artists as well as the pregame, halftime game and post game show. During the game, there was almost no breathing room in that mass of human beings. As we all know, Spain won, and the reaction in Madrid and I’m sure all over Spain was epic. Looking down any street, all you saw was people sporting the nation’s colors, red and yellow. Fireworks were launching and people were celebrating like it was the last night on Earth. I, myself, almost got hit by a rogue firework that someone had set off in the street. Incredible and unforgettable are the only words to describe the atmosphere and feeling that night.
(25th of April Bridge leading to Cristo Rei statue on other side. A little bit like the Golden Gate bridge? Well, the same construction company built this one too).
From Lisbon, I went to Munich, and from there I went to Heidelberg. The RISE DAAD program hosted us in the local Hostel, which wasn’t bad and used the University of Heidelberg to host the introduction and welcome. In the introduction, the head of the RISE program, Dr. Christian Schaefer, introduced himself and welcomed us on the behalf of the DAAD. Following his introduction, spokespersons from both the Canadian and US embassies came to give us further welcome. The introduction was followed by an information lecture on PhD and masters programs in Germany that were specifically targeted towards North American students. I recall one of them being very rigorous with only a two week Christmas vacation and a little bigger break somewhere during a masters course of study.
RISE students at the Universitaet Heidelberg.
Dr. Christian Schaefer giving his welcome speech.Heidelberg seen from the Castle on the hill.
The night was followed by a RISE dinner at one of the local restaurants in Heidelberg. The food wasn’t bad but it took a while to get it because we had a party of 300. During my nights at Heidelberg, I had the opportunity to meet a lot of the other students around Germany. Overall, it was a very diverse group of people. You had your Ivy’s, State schools, Canadian schools, as well as a collection of schools that I’ve never heard of. Some had been there since May 12th like myself and the others had just been there only two weeks.
The next day, we had a tour of Heidelberg as well as the castle that overlooked the city on a hill. Supposedly, Heidelberg has 20,000 Americans who live there. The city has a long and distinguished history and luckily it escaped the bombings of World War 2. I also semi-celebrated the 4th in Heidelberg. Although I didn’t see any fireworks, I celebrated it with the other Americans in the RISE program.
After Heidelberg, I finished off the weekend at Stuttgart with a friend I made at the conference. We met up with his other friends in Stuttgart. All three of them are from MIT and the two not in the RISE program were doing internships as well and one is also living in Regensburg. We saw the Porsche and Mercedes Benz museums, the latter being the highlight of the trip in Stuttgart. The Porsche museum was tiny but they are currently and almost finished constructing their new museum to rival those of Mercedes and BMW. The Mercedes Benz museum is an actual history museum and it has tons of exhibits and not to mention cars. You start out on the top of the museum at the beginning of the history of automobiles and Mercedes Benz and then make your way down through history until it culminates into the dealership, which had cars worth easily several entering freshman 4 year college tuitions at Emory.
Pope-Mobile at the Mercedes Benz museum!
This weekend, I went to Munich with the two other RISE students in Regensburg and we met up with a few other RISE students in Munich. In Munich we saw the Deutsches Museum, a charity soccer game, and the BMW world. The Deutsches Museum or German museum is supposedly the biggest science museum in the world and I wouldn’t disagree because in the 4 hours we were there, we barely scratched the surface of the exhibits. The charity soccer game was hosted in the Allianz Arena of Munich and we saw renowned players like Michael Ballack (GER), Kaka(BRAZ), Gattuso (ITALY), and Seedorf (NED). It was a benefit to send more aid to Africa. Nelson Mandela was also a spectator at the game.
O yea, hanging ten in a river in Munich.
Allianz Arena inside. Ballack and Gattuso are somewhere on the field.
Allianz Arena outside.
The BMW world is also pretty cool and it’s also free. The BMW world is an exhibition of the recent technology coming from BMW as well as their newest cars. In addition, BMW has a museum but we didn’t have time to see it.
Me with the other RISE students, Rince, Oscar and Taehun, or RISErs as we call ourselves at the BMW World.
You could say, "we be RISIN' DIRTY!! "(A lame pun on a recent rap hit, "Ridin' Dirty")
Now, I’m back in Regensburg. Again, I apologize for another late post but I hope the sheer length makes up for it. Unfortunately, I can count my lab days with both of my hands. Yes, I leave Regensburg next Tuesday but I will be more prompt in my posts. I will also be in Europe for another two weeks for pure vacation.
And so concludes the post to rule them all.
Bis später,
Thursday, July 10, 2008

End of my 5th week, and i'm halfway to getting back stateside. Things are continuing on unimpeded. Dr. Morokuma returned from Europe on Tuesday, but left for Atlanta on Thursday, so the institute remains quiet. Last weekend was pretty i just kinda bummed around Kyoto, but this weekend i'm thinking about taking a day trip to one of the nearby cities, get a little tourist action going.
There's a river that runs just south near my hotel. We're situated at a small delta where two tributaries come together to form the Kamo River. The spot is frequented by people in the same way a public park would be. There are stepping stones that traverse the river, and it is pretty cool to walk across the water. Very tranquil.
Not much else going on. I'll fill you in after this weekend on my adventures.