Monday, July 09, 2007

hi everyone!

Happy belated July 4th everyone! We thought about making s'mores to celebrate, but decided the only accessible open flame - Bunsen burners in lab - would not be worth the repurcussions of getting caught. The weather's been crappy all week....we had a terrible hailstorm today, followed by an hour of sunshine...I'm so confused. I look outside at 11pm and it's still not quite dark, but sunrise is still ridiculously early - by the time 7am rolls around, it's so blindingly bright you can hardly sleep.

On another note, my mentor left for a conference last Wednesday and won't be back until next week. He warned me SOOO many times to be careful around Shigella before he left but I finally figured out why everyone was so concerned about it. Apparantly it only takes 100 tiny bacteria to cause the nasty infection. In any case, it's day 5 of working alone and of course a lot more stuff seem to go wrong. But at least I got to practice taking pretty pictures with the microscope...

Everyone's starting to take vacations now...and most people are gone for the entire month of August. No I'm not just talking about lab people. Restaurants close for weeks. I've heard even the local boulangeries close...where am I going to get my baguettes?! Looks like I'll have to settle for the Monoprix (their idea of a supermarket - absolutely tiny in my opinion).

That's all for now. A bientot!

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