Soccer or Fussball is in full swing. We even watched one of the German games together as a lab group, which is about 20+ people. The Germans or actually most Europeans really get into the game. My dorm posts daily viewings of the games and you get to see all of the exchange students fromthe Erasmus program (their study abroad in Europe).
Last week I went "castle seeing" with a couple of other DAAD students at Uni Regensburg. We also went to see the Dachau Concentration camp, which was really fascinating but very sad. This weekend I went to see the Black Forest on the border of France and Germany. I stayed at a town called Baden Baden, known for its famous springs. Schwarzwald (or Black Forest) is very pretty and I recommend it when you're in Germany next time. Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks. The fussball match above is of my fellow lab mate and PhD student, Stefan, scoring a goal against fellow group mate and PhD student, Hary (HAR-EE). The group gets along very well as indicated by our group outings (football matches, dodgeball, bbq's, and occasional pub crawls.)
In this photo, my group is watching the Croatia/Germany game. Unfortunately, the Croatians won 2-1 but the party went on. We're watching the game on projector from the group kitchen.
Here is my flavin I retrieved from the column. They glow a bright yellow because of fluorescence, one of the flavins unique properties. I will show more pictures of my lab in the next post.
This is the Black Forest (Schwarzwald auf Deutsch) . This picture was taken on top of a mountain where these "paragliders" (or at least that is what they're called) took off. The town of Baden Baden is down below and France is off in the horizon to the right.
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Auf Wiedersehen,
AWESOME PICTURES! I love the glowing yellow flavins. Do they glow like that with just regular light or do you have to give them a special wavelength or strength of light?
super cool!
Those are great photos, thanks for posting! Glad to hear things are going as planned, things working as expected. Ditto Leah's questions about the glowy flavins.
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